Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

1. Introduction


Any use of the Trade Stars website which includes Users and tradesmen/sole trader/trade companies also known as ‘Registered Partners’, are automatically bound by the Terms and Conditions set out in this Agreement as stated below. If you do not agree to be bound by this Agreement, you may choose not use the website or the lead generation service offered.

2. Definitions


"Company", “Trade Stars"("Us", "We", "Our" and "Ours") means www.tradestars.uk


"User" means any person who completes and submits the form on the Trade Stars Website.


"Lead" means the process between the User and the tradesmen/sole trader/trade companies. The User’s details and specification that is sent over to Registered Partners.


"Service" means the service that is provided by the Trades Star website. This includes, but, not limited to, receiving leads and connecting Users with tradesmen/sole trader/trade companies, if a request by the User has been made via the Trade Stars website.


"Service Agreement" means any agreement reached between any User and tradesmen/sole trader/trade companies. A Service Agreement can be reached by; a verbal exchange, telephone, SMS, email, or in the form of a written statement/contract. Trade Stars will have no dealings with any Service Agreements made and this is directly between the involved parties.


“Partner Registration Fee” means the agreed amount payable by the tradesmen/sole trader/trade companies to register with Trade Stars to receive User Leads. These will be sent directly when a request by the User is made.


"Tradesmen/sole trader/trade companies” means any business, partnership or sole trader that registers with Trade Stars in order to receive leads from Users. Also known in this agreement as ‘Registered Partners’.


"You" means anyone using the Trade Stars Website or lead generating service including, but, not limited to, tradesmen/sole trader/trade companies and Users.


"Website" means the Trade Stars Website (or any other domain/s owned and controlled by Trade Stars) all the pages, content and sub-domains contained therein.


“Form” / “Contact Form” means the form on the Trade Stars Website for Users to complete and submit, to request contact from Registered Partners specific to the required service.

3. Overview


Trade Stars is a platform that connects Users with tradesmen/sole trader/trade companies. The User voluntarily enters their details in to the contact form on the Trade Stars website, they then click send and understand this information will then be sent directly to all registered partners offering that specific service requested. Registered partners will then contact the User to provide a quotation. If the job is confirmed it is then an agreement directly between both parties and Trade Stars has no involvement.


You understand that Trade Stars has no influence over Leads, nor does it have influence over any such outcome.


Trade Stars is simply a lead generating website and once the Lead has been received and sent directly to all Registered Partners, Trade Stars no longer has any dealings with the User and all responsibility falls on Registered Partners directly.


Users may receive correspondence from multiple Registered Partners to provide a quotation. The User agrees and understands that they may have multiple communication after completing the form on the Trade Stars Website.


Trade Stars accepts no liability for any dealings between the User and any Registered Partner. All parties which includes, but, not limited to, the User and any Registered partner, accepts that Trade Stars is simply a lead generating Website and will not be held responsible for any dealings whatsoever. Any agreements made are directly between the the User and tradesmen/sole trader/trade companies, also known as ‘Registered Partners’.

4. Information


The User understands and agrees to Trade Stars sharing all their information, including personal information, with specific Registered Partners for the required job. These registered partners are registered with Trade Stars to receive Leads from the Trade Stars Website.


Although Trade Stars makes every attempt to ensure that information is correct and accurate on the Website, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information. Trade Stars is not liable for any losses arising from any errors. 


Trade Stars is not responsible for any data protection. Data protection is the responsibility of Registered Partners and as a Registered Partner it your responsibility to ensure Users data, which includes personal information, is safe and secure when it is sent over via email as a Lead.


By using the service provided by Trade Stars you acknowledge that Trade Stars is not providing any other service than generating Leads for Registered Partners, nor are Trade Stars responsible for any communication, transactions, or any such dealing between the User and the Registered Partner. The User understands and agrees that Trade Stars are solely sharing their requirements and information. 


You agree and understand that Trade Stars does not have any further dealings once the Form on our Website has been submitted.


Trade Stars is not a party to any agreement, contract, or any arrangement between a User and the Registered Partner as a result of the use of the Trade Stars Website.


Accordingly, Trade Stars are not liable for any loss or damage that is incurred resulting from any such contract or agreement. This clause shall survive the termination of this Agreement.

5. Content


You agree to use the Trade Stars Website in the way in which it is intended and for lawful purposes only.


When completing the Contact Form on the Trade Stars website you must:

5.2 i)

not include, any racial, sexist or offensive language;

5.2 ii)

not include, links to any other websites;

5.3 iii)

provide correct and true information;


You, the User, are responsible for all content that you include on the Contact Form on the Trade Stars Website and fully agree and understand that all information entered into this Form is shared and sent directly to all Registered Partners.


You, the User, understand and agree that all the information entered into the Contact Form on the Trade Stars Website is shared with all Registered Partners specific to the job required, and that Trade Stars is not responsible for the protection of such data.


You understand that Trade Stars does not control, and is not responsible for content made available through the Service. 


When using the Trade Stars website, you may visit links to any other websites at your own risk. You agree that you will evaluate and be held accountable for all risks associated with the use of any linked websites.


You understand that Trade Stars does not pre-screen or pre-approve the contact form before it is sent to Registered Partners. The information on the Form is sent directly once the User clicks to send.

6. Intellectual Property


Trade Stars own all the intellectual property rights relating to the Website. This includes, but not limited to, the designs, text, graphics and layouts. You agree to not use, duplicate or copy any part of the Website. This is unless Trade Stars grants permission to do so.


The Trade Stars logo may be used by Registered Partners if permission is granted to do so. In the event that the Registered Partner, cancels or the agreement is terminated, they must not use the logo and remove all information that suggests any affiliation with Trade Stars. This must be done within fourteen days.


Any illegal or inappropriate use of the intellectual property owned by Trade Stars and/or the Trade Stars Website will result in the termination of the Agreement.


For clarification, paragraphs 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3 shall survive this Agreement even in the event that this contract is terminated.

7. Dealings with organisations and individuals


Interactions, which includes, but, not limited to, payments, agreements and/or transactions resulting from the Lead generation of the Trade Stars Website are solely between the User and the Registered Partner and any other such organisations directly.


You agree that the Trade Stars Website is solely intended for lead generating and is not held responsible, or liable, for any losses or damage of any sort that is incurred.


All parties using the Trade Stars website, which includes but not limited to, Users and Registered partners, agree and understand that any disputes whatsoever are directly between the parties involved in the dispute. Trade Stars are excluded from any liability or responsibility if the User and Registered Partner decide to carry out any transactions or if there are any disputes whatsoever.


You understand that If there is a dispute between you and any Registered Partner it is directly between the two parties. Trade Stars will not, and is under no obligation to become involved, nor are they held accountable or liable.


In the event that you have a dispute, of any kind of nature with any Registered Partners, Users or any third parties as a result of the use of the Trade Stars website, Trade Stars is in no way related to any such disputes.

8. Registered Partner Fee


If you are a Registered Partner with Trade Stars you agree to pay the registered partner fee either yearly or monthly.


The total registration fee is clearly advised before signing up to Trade Stars.


You understand that although the fee is fixed for 12 months, at our discretion, we reserve the right to change this as we feel it is necessary to do so.


If you decide to pay monthly for the Registered Partner fee, you understand that any missed payments will result in the Agreement being terminated, therefore you will no longer receive any leads. If this is the case, no refunds of payments already made to us will be due.


For any yearly payments made to Trade Stars, cancellations or terminations will result in no further leads being received and no refunds given for the remainder of the term or for payments already made.

9. Payment Terms


Payment terms will be agreed to and are at the discretion of Trade Stars.


Yearly payments will receive 7 days invoice terms, in which the registered partner fee is to be paid.


Monthly payments will receive 7 days invoice terms or will be automatically deducted from your chosen card on the same date of each month.

10. Registered Partner (which includes communication / data)


As a Registered Partner receiving leads it is your responsibility to contact the User directly to make the necessary arrangements to quote the job for the service/s required. 


You agree that you will not make contact with the User, if you are not able to complete the job or services that has been requested by the User.


To ensure clarity, communication must only be made if you have are able to quote the job and then be able to take on the work. All arrangements which includes time, money and/or any other such arrangements, are directly between Users and Registered Partners.


As a Registered Partner, you agree that you will not share User data / information with any other third parties.


You agree that User information will be dealt with responsibly and stored safely. Registered Partners are responsible for any such data and ensuring its safety.


Trade Stars will not be held liable for any loss of data.


You agree that only as a Registered Partner you will receive leads and that any cancellation or termination will result in leads no longer being sent.


You understand that if you cancel or terminate our services that under no circumstances can you contact any of the User leads. You are aware this means any lead that has been sent to you via Trade Stars, which includes but, is not limited to, leads previously sent.


You understand that there can be three Registered Partners that can register with Trade Stars in same trade/business sector.


You understand that all Registered Partners will receive the leads that come through the website contact form, therefore the same lead may be sent to the three Registered Partners.


As a registered partner it is your sole responsibility to provide a quotation and you understand that job acceptance is at the sole discretion of the User.


Upon any job acceptance it is your sole responsibility to ensure you provide a quality service that attributes to your companies reputation. 


You are fully aware that timescale, payment and any other service arrangements need to be made clear to the user for them to decide on job acceptance.


Trade Stars are not liable or held accountable for any disputes between you and the User which includes but is not limited to, payment, misunderstandings or any other dispute that may arise.

11. Users (which includes communication / data)


Users understand that they may be contacted by more than one registered partner in relation to the same job that is completed via the form on the Trade Stars website.


You also understand this will be a maximum of three businesses, companies or sole traders that will be in contact in relation to the required job.


It is your responsibility to arrange a quotation with any/all of the companies that have been in contact in relation to the job that has been added the Trade Stars website.


It is your sole responsibility that before you accept any quotation from any registered partner, that you fully understand and agree with their terms of service. This includes but is not limited to, timescale, price, quality, finish, workmanship and any other terms of service.


Job acceptance with any registered partners is at your sole discretion.


You understand that if you have any disputes whatsoever Trade Stars are not liable for any disputes and this is solely between the parties involved. 


You understand that any acceptance of service means it is then your sole responsibility to communicate with the registered partner in relation to the job.


Should there be any disputes whatsoever between the User, Registered Partner or any other third parties it is your responsibility to contact the correct authorities such as ‘Trading Standards’. You are fully aware that Trade Stars will not and are not obligated to get involved.


You fully understand that Trade Stars is simply a lead generating website connecting you with tradesmen.


Once the form has been submitted on the Trade Stars website all responsibility is then down to you, this includes but is not limited to, arranging quotations, job acceptance and payment.

12. Refunds


No refunds will be given under any circumstance.

13. Failed Payments


Any failed payments will result in the automatic termination of the Agreement.

14. Our Service


You understand that Trade Stars can not establish an exact number of leads that will come through the Website.


You understand that Trade Stars is simply a lead generating website to connect Users with Registered Partners and therefore once the information has been submitted it is then no longer the responsibility of Trade Stars.


Trade Stars are not liable for any dealings once the lead is sent to Registered Partners.


Trade Stars cannot guarantee quality of services to Users from Registered Partners. This includes, but, not limited to, communication, fees and quality of work.


For clarification, Trade Stars is a lead generating website and holds no liability for any dealings once the Lead has been submitted and sent to Registered Partners. 

15. Termination of service


You agree that Trade Stars has the right to terminate any agreement without prior notice or consent. This includes, but, not limited to, late payment and not abiding by the terms set out in this Agreement.


You agree that Trade Stars are not liable to you or any third-party for any termination


You agree not to contact any Users or Leads after termination. This includes any Leads that have been sent via the Trade Stars website prior to termination.

16. Our Agreement


We reserve the right to change or update this Agreement whenever we chose to do so.


As a User, Registered Partner or any other third party, you are responsible for acknowledging any updates to this Agreement and it is your sole responsibility to ensure you monitor this regularly to ensure you are up to date with the terms set out in this Agreement.

17. Governing Law & Jurisdiction


This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with UK law. 

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